Course Description
In this course I used more advanced React concepts and features, became proficient in JSX, and more confident in testing my applications.I examined different types of React components and learned various characteristics and when to use them. I also dug into more advanced hooks and created my own. During this course I also explored component composition and new patterns, such as Higher Order Components and Render Props and got familiar with the most commonly used React framework integrations, tools, and testing techniques.
Skills Covered
- Rendered lists and form components efficiently in React.
- Lifted shared state up when several components needed the updated data.
- Leverage React Context to share global state for a tree of components.
- Fetched data from a remote server.
- Use advanced hooks in React, and put them to use within your application.
- Built my own custom hooks.
- Gained in depth knowledge of JSX.
- Learned new component composition techniques
- Used advanced patterns to encapsulate common behavior via Higher Order Components and Render Props.
- Gained Experience Testing my React components